Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bathtime for the Rio, and revelations...

Rio is a water baby. Who would have thunkit. I can't even begin to explain the love I feel for this new little person in our life. I don't know what it is. It is so different this time than it was the first time around with Vivia. Maybe because of everything we went through with him already, I really appreciate and truly cherish every second: even the late-night feeding marathons! I am not playing favorites, but I know the relationship I have with my son is so completely different than the one I have with my daughter.

I haven't written about this yet: but the weekend we asked everyone to pray and fast with us for the tests, THAT weekend, I ran into a woman that I had met while I was pregnant. She had also been pregnant and at the time, we talked and discussed how she was having a boy, and I was hoping I was having a boy too, b/c I didn't know yet. She was so sweet! So full of excitement! It would be her third child.

So, the other day, I had my 2 week old son with me, and ended up at this house for a garage sale selling all this baby stuff- SCORE! Coincidentally, right? I didn't know this was where she lived. We recognized each other, and I immediately hugged her and said "hello". Where was her baby? Her little baby son had died. All this stuff she was selling was his. He was born without the frontal part of his brain and only lived a few weeks after being born prematurely at 30 weeks. They were selling all of his things. She was upbeat, but I could just sense the aching of her heart as she asked to hold Rio. She said she wanted to load all of his things into our car. I didn't let her do that, but I bought a few things from her. And she told me to come by anytime and knock on her door to say hello. I will definitely follow up on that in the future.

But, in that moment, God gave me the answer to that which my soul was seeking in the fast. Perspective.
He has already taught all who have met him, to see.

1 comment:

The Hagans said...

Freedom, This story has brought tears to my eyes...
It truly makes you look at your children with a great appreciation.

My sister-in-law carried her child for the entire 9 months and delivered Karlie and she passed away 6 hrs later with many complications. It was horrible. But at the funneral I could not help myself but to look at my Alexandra and feel so thankful and blessed. I could never imagine how hard this must be.....