Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Silly moments...

This, a blog entry for family that is abroad, to update them. Everyone else, can just gawk at my gorgeous family and kids.

Rio has his second conformer in. The Ocularist says that in a couple of months, he thinks we can begin the process of making a custom one for him that has "art" where they actually paint on it~ to match his other eye. And after that, it will be barely noticeable that his eyes are different.

His surgery for his lip is scheduled for April. I am nervous, but I know that having this done sooner than later is best. My baby...
I still struggle with the fact that he has to endure all this at such a young age, but I know that he will have such an amazing story when all is said and done. He is sooooo special and precious, and called. God bless him.
Sometimes, I am freaked out by how smart Rio is. for example, the other day, he was in his jumparoo and I said "show me how you jump..." and he started jumping!!!! And sometimes, he babbles words that, I swear, are real words!!! Yesterday, Vivia said "Mommyyyy" when I entered the room where she was laying beside him. And he says as clear as day... "Mom-mum-mum--mumm--yyyyy" Maybe it's a stretch, but I believe he is a bit of a genius!

Vivia continues to be an awesome big sister. She loves her little brother "so much", as she says. She is full of kisses and love and desire to be with Rio. She really is growing up so fast. I can't believe how fast! She is, all of a sudden, a little woman. Who has so many funny little things to say about life and family, and God...
She is so smart! Every day she is learning more about reading. She knew how to read the whole alphabet and numbers 1-10 at age 2!!! We practice the alphabet in the tub and in the playroom, and with songs... She loves learning! May she never change her mind!
Dear God, I am so blown away by the little people that you have given us to raise. I am so humbled at the task and I am so happy to do it! They have made my life more colorful and more beautiful! Thank you for exemplifying your love to me through my children! I am speechless.
oh, and P.S... may the next one look like me. PPPPPlease!!!!


Desire Your Heart said...

Yay Rio! I don't think you need to worry, really, about him going through all this stuff at such a young age. I don't doubt for a second that God helps the helpless and he is with him even MORE because he knows he's going through all this. And when I say with him, I mean WITH HIM... as in... it probably doesn't hurt him as much as you think it does. But that's my opinion. Ah dunno! I love you, though AND my recent family additions! haha <3

Unknown said...

The next one??? Hmmmmm... :)